How to overcome test anxiety: 10 helpful tips to stay calm

Written by: Helene Ausserwöger, 31.10.2024

The exams are getting closer, and instead of feeling motivated to study, an uneasy feeling is slowly creeping in. Weeks before the big day, you can already feel the tension building – and on the exam day itself, it reaches its peak.

Test anxiety is a common problem among students and can significantly impact both daily life and overall well-being. It often negatively affects performance, even when you feel well-prepared. But you’re not alone! We’ll explain the causes of test anxiety and, more importantly, how you can get it under control!

Table of Contents:

  • What is Test Anxiety?
  • Test Anxiety: Possible Signs and Symptoms
  • Causes of Test Anxiety
  • How to overcome test anxiety: 10 Tips That Really Help
  • Where to Find Professional Help for Test Anxiety
  • Conclusion: Overcoming Test Anxiety and Approaching Exams with Confidence

Was ist Prüfungsangst? 

Prüfungsangst ist die Angst vor dem Versagen in einer bevorstehenden Prüfungssituation. Sie kann uns alle treffen – egal ob in der Schule, im Studium oder im Beruf. Ein gewisses Maß an Nervosität vor Prüfungen ist natürlich, völlig normal und sogar hilfreich. Aber es ist wichtig, zwischen dieser gesunden Nervosität und echter Prüfungsangst zu unterscheiden. 

Während Nervosität uns antreibt, blockiert die Prüfungsangst unser Denken. Statt uns zu helfen, lässt sie uns erstarren. Die Angst wird so stark, dass sie nicht nur das Abrufen von Wissen erschwert, sondern auch körperliche Symptome wie Herzrasen, Schwitzen oder Zittern auslöst. Wenn die Angst überhandnimmt, kann sie unseren Alltag und unsere Leistungsfähigkeit massiv beeinträchtigen.

Exam Stress vs. Exam Anxiety

Exam stress refers to the intense feeling of stress and pressure before or during an exam situation. Common symptoms include:

  • Mental and physical restlessness
  • Feeling like there’s too much to study and not enough time
  • Constantly thinking about the exam
  • Sleep problems
  • Changes in eating habits
  • Feelings of despair, helplessness, and overwhelm

Exam stress and exam anxiety are very similar but still different. Exam stress is more about the pressure surrounding the exam, while exam anxiety revolves around the fear of failure. However, exam stress can be a cause of exam anxiety, meaning these two states often occur together.

What to Do in Case of a Blackout

Despite thorough preparation, you may suddenly be overwhelmed by fear when faced with the exam paper or the first question, causing your mind to go completely blank. Don’t panic just yet! Here are a few tips to help you calm down and get through your exam:

  • Set your exam aside or tell your examiner that you need a moment to collect yourself
  • Close your eyes or look out of the window to reset your focus
  • Breathe deeply: Inhale for 5 seconds, exhale for 7 seconds. This activates the parasympathetic nervous system, slowing your heart rate.
  • Try one of the emergency relaxation techniques listed below in point 7.
  • Skip questions you can’t answer right away. Start with the ones you know. This will boost your confidence and help refocus your brain on something productive.

Wie äußert sich Prüfungsangst? Mögliche Symptome

Laut Studien leiden rund 25 % aller Studierenden an Prüfungsangst. Viele Menschen kennen diese Angstzustände, die sich nicht nur direkt in der Prüfungssituation, sondern oft schon Tage im Voraus bemerkbar machen. Prüfungsangst kann verschiedene Formen annehmen, wobei die Symptome sowohl psychischer, körperlicher, emotionaler als auch sozialer Natur sein können. Hier ist eine Checkliste mit den häufigsten Symptomen:

Psychological Symptoms:

  • Overthinking
  • Blackouts during the exam
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Insomnia or trouble sleeping

Physical Symptoms:

  • Trembling
  • Sweating
  • Nausea
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Breathing difficulties

Emotional Symptoms:

  • Fear
  • Frustration
  • Helplessness
  • Low self-esteem

Social Symptoms:

  • Withdrawal
  • Avoidance of exam situations
  • Refusal of social interactions due to fear of failure

Wie entsteht Prüfungsangst? Ursachen

Aber woher kommt diese Angst eigentlich? Sie kann auf individuelle Unsicherheiten, äußere Einflüsse oder eine Kombination aus beidem zurückgeführt werden. Hier sind die häufigsten Ursachen, die Prüfungsangst auslösen können:

Knowledge Gaps

Maybe you had trouble keeping up with the class, were sick for an extended period, or couldn’t study enough for other reasons. When you feel like you don’t fully grasp the material, insecurities can quickly arise. These knowledge gaps can trigger exam anxiety because you’re afraid that the exam will focus on exactly the topics you’re less confident about.


  • Talk to your teachers early on to clear up any uncertainties.
  • Talk to classmates or peers to study together.
  • Consider getting tutoring to specifically close any knowledge gaps.


Maybe you’re putting yourself under extreme pressure to always deliver perfect results. The thought of making mistakes or not achieving the absolute best can trigger intense exam anxiety.


  • Set realistic goals and allow yourself to make mistakes.
  • Reflect on your expectations and ask yourself if they’re truly necessary. Remember, passing is passing, unless you specifically need a high grade for something.

Low Self-Esteem

Maybe you often doubt your own abilities and feel like you’re not meeting the requirements. These self-doubts create insecurities and heighten exam anxiety, making you feel underprepared.


  • Reflect on your past successes and remind yourself that they were the result of your own efforts.
  • Practise positive self-talk and visualise your success.

Falsche Lernmethoden und fehlende Vorbereitung

Vielleicht hast du Schwierigkeiten, den Lernstoff effektiv zu erfassen, oder du hast dich aufgrund von Prokrastination nicht ausreichend auf die Prüfung vorbereitet. Ineffiziente Lernmethoden und mangelnde Struktur beim Lernen führen oft zu Unsicherheiten, die Prüfungsangst auslösen können, da du befürchtest, den Stoff nicht ausreichend zu beherrschen.


  • Optimiere deine Lernmethoden; experimentiere mit verschiedenen Techniken wie Mindmaps oder Karteikarten. 
  • Erstelle einen strukturierten Lernplan, damit du den Überblick über den Stoff behältst und alle Themen rechtzeitig abdeckst.
  • Teile den Lernstoff in kleine, überschaubare Einheiten auf, um die Verarbeitung zu erleichtern.
  • Lerne gemeinsam mit Kommilitonen, um offene Fragen zu klären und euch gegenseitig zu motivieren.
  • Zusätzliche Lerntipps findest du auch hier.

Fear of Success

Perhaps you feel the pressure to maintain your previous success or to meet the high expectations set by yourself and others. Success often brings changes, such as transitioning to a new program, switching schools, or moving to a different city – challenges for which you may not yet feel prepared. These uncertainties can lead to intense exam anxiety.


  • Take time to reflect on your fears and recognize what you’re afraid of.
  • Talk to others who have had similar experiences to gain support and perspective.
  • Inform yourself about what to expect in your new life chapter – whether it’s a new program, a school change, or a move. Knowledge helps reduce your anxiety.

Individual, Social, and External Factors

Exam anxiety often comes from the interplay of various aspects that reinforce each other. Personal insecurities, social pressure from friends or family, and high expectations in school, study, or work can come together to intensify the feeling of getting overwhelmed. This complex interplay often makes it difficult to identify the exact cause of the anxiety.


  • Analyse the various factors contributing to your test anxiety and try to examine them individually to better understand what is weighing on you.
  • Share your fears and worries with a trusted person – talking about them often helps.

Prüfungsangst bewältigen: 10 Tipps, die wirklich helfen

Prüfungsangst kann eine große Herausforderung sein, aber es gibt viele Strategien, die dir helfen können, sie zu überwinden. Hier findest du zehn praktische Tipps, die dir dabei helfen, deine Prüfungsangst zu bewältigen und dich optimal auf deine Prüfungen vorzubereiten. 

1. Early Preparation

Good exam preparation helps combat test anxiety because you feel prepared and know the exam content. This relieves some of the pressure. Therefore, engage with the exam material early and regularly

It’s best to create a study plan with realistic goals to keep track of your progress. Additionally, focus your thoughts on something productive and avoid falling into catastrophic thinking. Here you can find an article for successful exam preparation!

STUWO tip from Jakob, resident at STUWO Student City Graz: “I put planned study sessions into my timetable and go to the library, university or a café for my study sessions. This makes it easier to stick to my plan.”

2. Visualization Techniques

The exam will go much more smoothly when you already know what situation you are going to face. Visualisation techniques can help you mentally prepare for the exam. Prepare for it with other students from your course. 

Ask the instructors about the exact exam format: Are there open questions or a multiple-choice test? How much time do you have? Are aids allowed? By gathering this information and mentally rehearsing the exam situation, you can reduce your nervousness and approach the exam with more confidence.

3. Strengthen Your Self-Confidence

A weakened self-image is one of the main causes of test anxiety. Learn to deal with your fears by systematically strengthening your self-confidence and gradually silencing your inner doubts. Learn to be there for yourself and appreciate your achievements. Remind yourself of what you have already accomplished in the past:

  • How often have you succeeded despite exam anxiety?
  • What larger, more difficult exams have you successfully completed?
  • How often have you thought before an exam, “I’ll never make it!” and then succeeded anyway?

If it helps, write a list of all your successes and read through it when the test anxiety strikes.

4. Seek Allies and Strengthen Motivation

Presenting the study material to practise partners, ideally fellow students, will boost your self-confidence and give you a sense of security. This way, you can check how well you have mastered the material. It can also be helpful to discuss your fears and concerns with someone close to you or a professional contact. Your allies can help you better cope with your test anxiety.

In addition, you should schedule regular study dates with study groups or study partners and create a concrete plan with interim goals. When you have commitments to others, you will be more motivated and disciplined in your studying. Often, it’s the lack of motivation that holds us back.

5. Accept Fear

It is important to accept your test anxiety rather than deny or ignore it. Everyone experiences fear in certain situations, and that is completely normal. By acknowledging your feelings, you create space for dealing with them in a better way. Consider fear as part of the process that can motivate you to prepare better.

6. Take Study Breaks

When test anxiety has a strong grip on us, we often want to study even more to get rid of the fear. However, you are not capable of endlessly absorbing information, and your brain needs breaks. So stick to your study plan and respect the breaks. Use them to relax, distract yourself, and recharge your energy.

Here you can find tips for effective study breaks!

7. Relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques are a powerful tool for working with all kinds of anxieties and feelings of restlessness if you practise regularly. A proven technique is progressive muscle relaxation by Jacobson. Lay down comfortably, every time you breathe in squeeze a single muscle, when you breathe out release the muscle. Repeat with every muscle.

Mindfulness training can also help with overcoming anxieties. Therefore, we have an article with the best mindfulness exercises that you can integrate into your daily life. If you practice daily, you will find your centre more easily in stressful situations.

If you feel panic rising during the exam, try these instant relaxation techniques:

  • Put one palm on your forehead, the other on the nape of your neck. Concentrate on the feeling of your hands on your head. This will distract you and the warmth of your palms will calm you down and give you energy.
  • The Shen-Men point is right above your auricle. Put your finger behind your ear above the auricle and put your thumb on the point to reenergise. Massage the point for ca. one minute in circles.
  • Calm down with controlled breathing. Breathe in deep and let your breath flow out. After breathing out, hold your breath for six to ten seconds (count in your head). Repeat the exercise until the anxiety disappears.

8. Exercise and Sports

When you are stressed or experiencing test anxiety, physical activity can be a real game changer. Exercise helps reduce stress and releases endorphins, which automatically makes you feel more relaxed and in a better mood. 

You don’t have to rush to the gym for this. Even a short walk, a yoga session, or a quick workout at home can work wonders when you’re feeling tense. Movement gives your mind a break, allowing you to continue studying with renewed energy afterward. Additionally, exercise helps improve concentration, enabling you to focus better on the exam material overall.

STUWO tip from Melanie from Linz: “Sports is my miracle drug! I also try to make time for exercizing during exam period because it distracts me for an hour, gives my brain a break and eases any tension in my body. If it’s possible, I will try to go for a run in the morning of the day of the exam.”

9. Sleep and Nutrition

Getting enough sleep and maintaining a good diet are essential for preventing exam anxiety. When you sleep well, your brain can recover, making you much more receptive the next day. On the other hand, too little sleep can make you irritable and unfocused – not ideal for exam preparation.

Your nutrition also plays an important role. Balanced meals and brain food keep your energy levels stable and help you stay focused. Sugary snacks or too much caffeine can make you feel anxious. So make sure to get enough sleep and nourish your body with healthy food.

10. Preparation on the day of the exam

On the day of the exam, it is important that you remain focused, self-confident and calm. Here are some steps that will help you:

  • Nutritious breakfast: Avoid coffee, drink green tea and a lot of water. Eat something light and nutritious (e.g. fruits, vegetables, nuts)
  • Favourite outfit: Your favourite outfit will put you into a good mood and make you feel good.
  • No time stress: Leave your home early enough and plan for small delays along the way.
  • Avoid pessimists: People who think negatively and feel panicked will spread their nervousness. Withdraw somewhere before the exam, listen to some music and do some relaxation techniques.
  • Mental relaxation after the exam: Stay away from conversations like “What did you put for question three?”. Go for a walk, listen to music or read an interesting book.

Remember: What happens in the worst case? You will try again! Even if you don’t pass the exam at the first try, you can do it again and are even better prepared because you already know what the exam will look like.

Anlaufstellen bei Prüfungsangst: Wo du professionelle Hilfe findest

Du bist mit deinen Ängsten nicht alleine! Sprich mit deinen FreundInnen, StudienkollegInnen oder deiner Familie über deine Gefühle und Befürchtungen und hol dir von ihnen Zuspruch. Zusätzlich gibt es noch zahlreiche professionelle Anlaufstellen, die dir Unterstützung bieten können: 

  • Universitätseigene Beratungsdienste: Viele Universitäten bieten psychologische Beratungen an, die dir bei Prüfungsangst mit hilfreichen Tipps und Strategien zur Seite stehen.
  • Psychologische Studierendenberatung: Diese spezialisierten Beratungen helfen dir, mit den Herausforderungen des Studiums umzugehen. 
  • ÖH Helpline: Auch die ÖH bietet Beratungsdienste, um dich bei deiner Prüfungsangst und anderen Studienproblemen zu unterstützen.
  • Therapeutische Hilfe: Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie ist eine wirksame Methode zur Behandlung von Prüfungsangst. Dort lernst du, negative Gedanken zu erkennen und sie durch positivere Denkmuster zu ersetzen. So kannst du deine Ängste langfristig abbauen und gelassener mit stressigen Situationen umgehen.
  • Entspannungs-Apps wie Headspace und Calm bieten geführte Meditationen und Achtsamkeitsübungen, um Stress zu bewältigen.
  • Selbsthilfegruppen und Foren: Der Austausch in Selbsthilfegruppen oder Online-Foren kann dir helfen, dich mit Gleichgesinnten über deine Ängste auszutauschen und Unterstützung zu finden.

Hier noch mehr Infos bezüglich Anlaufstellen für Hilfe im Studium und psychologische Beratungsstellen für Studierende!

Home Remedies for Exam Anxiety

  • Green Tea: Contains calming, anxiety-reducing ingredients.
  • Herbal Remedies: You can find herbal products for anxiety in pharmacies (e.g., valerian drops).
  • Essential Oils: (e.g., lavender) have a calming effect. Bring some with you, drop it on a handkerchief, and inhale the scent.
  • CBD Oil: The active ingredient cannabidiol is increasingly used to alleviate stress, burnout, and sleep disorders.
  • Alternative Medicine: Methods such as homeopathy, Bach flower remedies, and Schüßler salts can also be supportive.

Fazit: Prüfungsangst bewältigen und gelassen in die Prüfung gehen

Prüfungsangst ist völlig normal und du bist damit nicht allein – viele Studierende kämpfen damit. Es gibt keinen Grund, sich dafür zu schämen. Mit guter Vorbereitung und Entspannungsübungen wirst du deine Ängste soweit reduzieren, dass du selbstbewusst in die Prüfung gehen und eine gute Leistung ablegen kannst. 

Denke daran, dass Angstbewältigung ein Prozess ist, der Zeit und Übung erfordert, aber mit jedem Schritt leichter wird. Akzeptiere deine Ängste und lerne, wie du mit ihnen umgehen kannst – das wird dir nicht nur bei einer aktuellen Prüfung helfen, sondern auch in vielen anderen Lebenssituationen.

Wir drücken dir die Daumen und wünschen dir viel Erfolg bei deinen Prüfungen – du schaffst das!

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