Queer in Vienna: LGBTQI* counselling centers for students

Written by: Christina Pichler, 25.08.2020

The famous traffic light couples in the city center are already an indication that Vienna is a hot spot for a wide variety of identities, lifestyles and sexual orientations. Not too wild, but colorful enough. Clubs for homosexuals and the lesbian bar culture with women-only cafés invite you to party and flirt.

These spaces are not only open to lesbians and gays, but also bisexual, trans, intersexual and queer as well as heterosexual and other open-minded people. An evening with dazzling drag queens or entertaining city tours on Vienna’s gay history are also ideal for those who are enthusiastic about the scene. It was not for nothing that the federal capital was named “Destination of the Year 2018” at the Australian LGBTQI Awards.

No matter where or with whom you feel at home: In Vienna there is enough space to openly celebrate your sexual orientation and preferences. Of course, the city also has a lot to offer for students. Especially when you are new to the city, initial contacts can help you get started in the community.

Here we have an an overview of various contact points and organizations within the Viennese rainbow world.

This is where the LGBTQI* community in Vienna is actively designed, lived and promoted. These institutions organize a large number of important projects, represent your concerns in public and are always on your side with advice and action.

This is how the community grows and, at the same time, helps to increase society’s awareness of various ways of life. If something is especially important to you, you can get information and help from experts at a counseling center. Because sometimes it is helpful to share your thoughts with people who are also familiar with the LGBTQI* world. Your questions will of course be treated confidentially. It’s also a lot about community and getting to know other people who move around in your world.

Perhaps you would also like to take the opportunity to help shape the possibilities for people with diverse gender identities or sexual attitudes.

Courage counselling center Vienna

Address: Windmühlgasse 15/1/7, 1060 Vienna
Office hours: Monday to Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Consultation times: Monday to Friday, 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Phone: +43 1 585 69 66
Email: info@courage-beratung.at

COURAGE counseling centers for partners, family and sexual concerns are represented throughout Austria. The counselling center in the 6th district also supports and counsels students. Courage is the first counselling center for same-sex and transgender lifestyles recognized by the City of Vienna and within the Family Counselling Promotion Act.

An interdisciplinary team designs a range of offers for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender people and relatives. Here you can find help for nearly every problem, such as psychological, legal or medical advice. In self-help groups you can exchange ideas with other people who have similar issues. Discrimination, violence or sexual assault are not the only reasons that lead people to counseling centers. Thoughts about your own identity, coming out, sexuality, relationship and family can also be discussed here. The diverse lectures and seminars on LGBTQI*-related topics are also highly recommended.

WASt – Vienna Anti-Discrimination Agency for Same-Sex and Transgender Lifestyles

Address: Auerspergstraße 15, 1080 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 4000 81449
Email: wast@gif.wien.gv.at

In Vienna, diversity is being protected and a lot of educational work is being carried out for more tolerance and respectful coexistence of all people. With the opening of the anti-discrimination agency WASt, the city has set an important statement against discrimination that is well above EU standards.

At WASt you will find individual support if you are confronted with discrimination that is directed against your sexual orientation or gender identity. The confidential discussions are available for those affected, but also for family members or for the private or professional environment of those affected.

HOSI Vienna

Address: Heumühlgasse 14/1, 1040 Vienna (entrance Mühlgasse 34)
Phone: +43 1 216 66 04
Email: office@hosiwien.at

The Homosexual Initiative, or HOSI Vienna for short, sees itself as one of the most important groups representing the interests of lesbians and gays in Austria. This is where your concerns are collected and presented to the outside world in important public areas and on a political level – all on a voluntary basis. The first lesbian and gay association in Austria offers not only public relations work, but also a wide variety of groups to exchange ideas and get to know each other.

Perhaps you have already come across an issue of the HOSI magazine LAMBDA, which is available free of charge in many trendy bars. In any case, many successful evenings could start on a tour in the club center and café Das Gugg in the 4th district. Events such as coming-out meetings, queer yoga and the queer youth café are also held here. Stopping by is definitely worth it.

ÖH BOKU Vienna Queer Unit

Address: Peter Jordan Straße 76, 1190 Vienna (2nd floor – room: 02/13)
Email: queer@oehboku.at
Consultation hours by appointment

The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna has its own department that deals with queer matters. People who live contrary to the general norms of sexuality, partnership or identity find committed support from the Queer Department. Your questions, ideas or help on queer topics are of course more than welcome.

Rainbow group at the MedUni Vienna

Email: regenbogengruppe@meduniwien.ac.at

Bring your colors into play and network with the rainbow group at the medical university campus AKH Vienna. The members meet regularly to strengthen and represent important topics from the LGBTQI* world in research and teaching. Employees, students and supporters of the bi-, hetero-, inter-, homo-, transsexual, transgender and queer community on campus are invited. The group also welcomes newcomers from other orientations or identities.

Department for Queer Matters at the University of Vienna

Address: Spitalgasse 2, Hof 1, 1090 Vienna
Phone: +43 1 4277 19569
Email: queerreferat@oeh.univie.ac.at

In the fight against sexism and all kinds of phobias that are directed against other forms of identity and sexuality, the department for queer matters is an important contact point for students of the LGBTQI* community. Here you can get in touch with others and obtain important information for you. However, you can also contact the department if you need help and recommendations for important contacts. Even if you have had little to nothing to do with the community so far, you can definitely help with the Queer Affairs Unit. All people who want to contribute to more acceptance and tolerance in society can lend a hand here, regardless of their own orientation. We are also happy to support new ideas and projects.

ÖH University of Vienna fund for feminist / queer young researchers

Contact and application: queer-fem-foerderung@oeh.univie.ac.at

LGBTQI* topics still offer plenty of scope for science, research and analysis. Scientific theses and projects by students in Austria who are dedicated to feminist, queer or anti-racist topics can be financially supported by the ÖH-Uni-Wien-Topf. This gives young scientists the opportunity to cover the costs of their research and to receive a scholarship. Funding that is worth it! If the decision is in your favor, bachelor theses can be subsidized with up to €750, master or diploma theses can even be funded up to €1,500 (as of July 2020).

Please note the application deadline!

Become part of the community, find new people or simply help out!

Vienna is different, they say, and the more diverse the people living here are with their orientation and lifestyle, the more colorful the city can be. In the end, it is a win for everyone.

In addition to a well-equipped apartment in the perfect location at STUWO Vienna, the people around you are also important for you to really feel at home in a city. Move in and look around is the motto when discovering your possibilities in Vienna.


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