Are you new in town? Looking for a modern apartment close to one of the universities or colleges? Start your student life in one of our student accommodation with full service and transparent costs. The best part? You will never be bored! Find friends on every corner at your STUWO accommodation with around 4,300 students from over 100 countries, but enjoy your privacy as well.
STUWO offers you an all-inclusive price, with no hidden additional costs or additional fees.
The monthly price includes:
- all operating costs, heating, hot water, electricity and the GIS fee
- we also offer you unlimited free WiFi throughout the home
- a free regular apartment cleaning
- in addition, there are numerous included extras, such as in-house gyms, saunas, music rehearsal rooms, community and party rooms
And how about the shared flat? Various additional costs are added to the rent. There are usually no extras.
Not convinced yet? HERE we have a lot more information for you that can help you with your decision.
We would be happy to welcome you soon!